Our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program

Our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program is continuing to run in Years 4 to 6. This year we have seen a fantastic uptake with over half our Year 4’s signing up for the program, and even more Year 5’s and 6’s joining the program as they move into their upper primary classes. We currently have 70% of students in Years 4 to 6 participating by bringing their own iPad to school each day.

The BYOD program allows students access to apps and the internet throughout the school day. As well as building their technological literacy skills, they are also learning the importance of responsibility and resilience as we deal with new programs and cyber safety.

Here is a sneak peek of some of the awesome things we have already been doing on our iPads this term.

  • In Room 9, students explored their local council website to find the different services provided for our community. They then shared their research with the class.
  • In Room 16, students created ‘BTN’ news segments with voiceovers, text, and edited scenes. They then shared them with the whole school at their assembly.
  • In Room 10, students created an avatar that looked just like them.
  • In Japanese, students are creating a slideshow on different Japanese events. They have installed a Japanese keyboard to allow them to type using Japanese symbols.

A big thankyou to those parents who continue to support the BYOD program. Students in Years 4 to 6 who currently don’t participate are invited to sign up in Term 2. A reminder of what is required to sign up and the dates will be provided closer to the time.